St. John Memorial Baptist Church in Philadelphia PA is making a huge difference in their community. They just recieved their new Prayer Station tent and are already making inroads through prayer.
Here is their latest update:
Pastor Nathaniel Holder is offering pop up prayer in your neighborhood. Jesus said, “Come boldly", "Where two or three are gathered, He is in the midst.”
And so the people came. Some came on bikes, some on foot… their hearts beckoned for prayer and they received strength.
Give us a call if you desire prayer in your community.
St. John Memorial Baptist Church 215-423-2221 You call, we‘ll come. If churches would like information on purchasing a prayer station: give us a call.
#PrayerStations #PrayerChangesThings #Prayer #MayIPrayForYou #Evangelism #PrayerEvangelism #philadelphia #PA