Ministry Trip to Philadelphia

Posted by Ron S

Nick Savoca and I headed up to Virginia and Pennsylvania for a two week ministry trip. It has only been a few days and we have already had an amazing time. It actually started on the plane, when someone ended up in the seat between Nick and I. His name is Ray and we had an amazing conversation. He shared with me about his having a heart attack and how that has affected his life. He currently goes to church and I was able to share with him the calling God has on his life to be a light to his family and those around him. Please keep Ray in prayer.

Our first stop was Harrisburg Virginia, where we met up with Pastor Holder from St. John Memorial Baptist Church. He is one of the main players for the Southern Baptist Convention, and they were having a large event with over 300 pastors in attendance. As you can see by the images, they had setup a very effective Prayer Station area where the pastors came in and out of the main sessions. We were able to connect with many of the pastors, and some of them actually came to the Prayer Station for prayer as well. Prayer Changes Things. Nick was actually asked to close out the event in prayer. What a privilege and opportunity.

We then met drove to Winchester VA to meet with one of our board members, Bill Blatz. It was great to connect with him again, as well as his family.

From there we drove to YWAM Philadelphia, where we are to spend most of our time. We did Prayer Station ministry right in front of City Hall in downtown Philadelphia. Both Nick and I prayed for quite a few people, some of whom need physical healing, and some that needed a real answer from God.

I will continue to post updates as they happen. Tomorrow I am going to be preaching at St. John Memorial Baptist Church, and hopefully in the next couple of days we will be meeting up with Alex Miller, one of the longtime YWAM Staff we had up in New York.

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