Check out this amazing testimony from Scott and Dalia Coulson - part of the Street Level Ministry in the Twin Cities - Minnesota area:

We just got back from Shangri-la new age festival outreach and what an outreach. The team gave out over 1000 Gospel packets to folks driving into the festival and tons of amazing conversations which are way to many to post here.

Also, we partnered with Simply Church in Geneva Minnesota that made food for the festival team to give out and also helped us pack 2000 Gospel packets for our Saturate team to go house to house in Geneva, Ellendale which we did all the houses in these towns and also did Austin and Albert Lea and still have a bunch more to do in these towns and also went Farm to Farm giving out the packets. Each packet had a church invite so Simply Church can follow up with them. We feel it is so important to partner with local church when at all possible.

Thank you so much for praying for all these outreaches and in fact Dalia is sharing Jesus now at the Minnesota State Fair with Crossroads Chapel.

Again thank you for your prayers and support that make all this possible. Love Scott & Dali

Learn more about Street Level Ministries:

Prayer Stations are being used in Brooklyn! Brother Barry & his wife use Prayer Stations to reach their community and are seeing lives saved!

Contact us today to learn how you can use Prayer Stations to impact your community and share Jesus Christ.

#prayerstations #prayerchangesthings #prayer #prayerevangelism #brooklyn #brotherbarry

We are excited to partner with Dr. Chauncey Crandall and his Healing Encounter Nights, as well as the upcoming Miracle On The Water event in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Healing Encounters will be held October 22 & 23, 2022 from 5pm to 8pm.
Learn more at

Miracle On The Water will be held November 12-18, 2022 from 10am to 10pm.
Learn more at

I knew God would work in an amazing way, and yet my mind is still blown by how He worked.  This was my first mission trip and it blessed me so much.  Recently, my house went on fire on Easter Sunday morning and I lost absolutely everything.  I was left with what I had in my purse since I wasn't home.  Part of me considered not doing the trip anymore but I still felt the pull to go.

Ever since the fire, I have had something happen to me, every single week.  I have been so low emotionally trying to stay calm.  I kept praying for strength because I knew the enemy was attacking me & didn't want me to go on the trip but I wasn't sure why.  I get here, we're on our second day at the Prayer Station in Jamaica, Queens and God did a GOD THING like I've never seen before.  

A guy walked past us toward the subway stairs and 60 seconds later walked right back and asked my prayer partner and me a question about prayer.  We answered his question.   He explained his life and expressed his anger with God and how he's lost everything (including his million-dollar house). He doesn't drink and he doesn't smoke. There was no way that God would do all this crazy stuff to people who are obeying Him or following his rules or trying to live right. He said we wouldn't understand.

I said, 'you have no idea how much I understand.' I began to tell him about my recent fire and life story and his whole demeanor changed. 

He was teary-eyed.   "By the way, I was going to jump on the tracks today and end my life. I felt the need to ask you both one question beforehand and now I have decided not to do it."  

I was speechless.  God brought me here and took me through my recent journey to save someone's life in a way I didn't imagine.  I am far from angry about my story because now I see why God needed to use me.  I pray God touches Abraham's heart for the rest of His life!

Another encounter from one of the individuals who came this summer...

Jeff shared about one man who came up to them in the subway. This man told Jeff about a story when he was a taxicab driver in Brooklyn and someone pointed a gun to his head and another one to his chest. He was a full-fledged Muslim and he was going to call out to Allah but called out to Jesus instead in that moment. And he is still here today and is now a Christian. 

One of our Prayer Station outreach teams was recently able to pray for the Director of Music for the National Orchestra in Guatemala, who then offered them free tickets to see them perform!

You never know who you might be praying with, or praying for.



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