This is just one of the churches running Prayer Stations and you NEED to see the transformation it is bringing to their church members and their community.

Click HERE to check out their Instagram page, filled with testimony videos and more.

Click HERE to see their Prayer Station website page to get info and sign up if you are in the Philly area.

Get a Prayer Station in YOUR community today!

We just received a quick update from the Prayer Station Ministry in Guatemala...

"Today we had the privilege to lead someone to Christ, while also praying for cancer, for sickness and for jobs. One girl came back from a previous time to get more prayer."

Get a Prayer Station in your community today and see how Prayer Changes Things!

We just received a testimony from someone that visited a Prayer Station in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Joe S writes us...

"I went to the Farmers Market in Ft. Pierce, Florida. The first thing I saw was a Prayer Station.

What a gift. A couple offered me their prayers. Job well done. Godspeed your mission."

Connect with us today and get a Prayer Station in your community.

Prayer Stations is partnering with Women World Leaders (WWL) to provide prayer opportunities at their conferences, seminars and outreach events. Anita Setran, Executive Director for Prayer Stations, has been on the leadership team for Women World Leaders, and been a strong prayer warrior for their team and the women connected to WWL.

WWL decided to have custom branded Prayer Station Flags made for their events, and you can see how beautiful they turned out. We are excited to hear how this ministry will be continuing to change lives through the power of prayer! Prayer Changes Things!

If you would like to get your own custom Prayer Station Flag, please use the online form and connect with us!

#prayerstations #prayerchangesthings #prayer #prayerevangelism #womenworldleaders #WWL

We just received a call today from a team running a Prayer Station (location undisclosed) that had a miracle testimony to tell us. Their Prayer Station was setup this morning and almost immediately they noticed a man that had come and stood near the Prayer Station but did not engage with anyone. One of the Prayer Station volunteers walked up to the gentleman and asked if he would like some prayer, and he responded with a resounding NO, making it clear to leave him alone. But the man didn't leave.

The volunteer waited a while and came back to ask again if he would like some prayer, and the answer came back again... NO. After several attempts throughout the morning, the man finally started to open up to the volunteer asking what the point of prayer was. The volunteer explained the importance of prayer and mentioned that it seemed the man was very angry. The man agreed and finally was open to have the volunteer pray for him, but would not disclose any prayer requests.

The volunteer prayed for the man, and as he finished, the man said that he had a secret that he wanted to tell him. He said that no one else knew about this secret. The man proceeded to tell the volunteer that he was on his way to kill a man. He realized that he didn't want to do this any longer and suddenly took out a knife and put the knife in the garbage. The volunteer then proceeded to watch a smile open up on the man's face, realizing the decision he had made. He then made the decision to give his life to Christ.

Only God has the power to reach someone's soul and bring real hope. We know that Prayer Changes Things and that we simply need to be willing to hear the Holy Spirit, who can give insight and direction as we pray. This is just one example of how God is changing lives as we make ourselves available to serve Him.

If you are interested in getting a Prayer Station in your community, please contact us at 888-686-5550.

St. John Memorial Baptist Church in Philadelphia PA is making a huge difference in their community. They just recieved their new Prayer Station tent and are already making inroads through prayer.

Here is their latest update:

Pastor Nathaniel Holder is offering pop up prayer in your neighborhood. Jesus said, “Come boldly", "Where two or three are gathered, He is in the midst.”

And so the people came. Some came on bikes, some on foot… their hearts beckoned for prayer and they received strength.

Give us a call if you desire prayer in your community.

St. John Memorial Baptist Church 215-423-2221 You call, we‘ll come. If churches would like information on purchasing a prayer station: give us a call.

#PrayerStations #PrayerChangesThings #Prayer #MayIPrayForYou #Evangelism #PrayerEvangelism #philadelphia #PA

This past weekend we held the largest Band of Brothers event in the country. Over 400 teens and men join with us at Masterpiece Gardens Center in Lake Wales, Florida from Thursday afternoon thru Saturday evening.

We had lots of activities during the free times, including archery, flag football, soccer, dominoes, basketball, volleyball, cornhole, fishing, air boats, full gun range, pig hunt, seaplane rides, skeet & trap shooting, nightly BBQ competition and more!

The focus is the worship time, listening to the live speakers, and watching teaching videos with John Eldredge, Auther of Wild at Heart. Many lives were changed during this last Boot Camp, with over 100 men coming forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

We even created a special camouflage PRAYER STATION flag where the men could go to receive prayer.

I encourage you to attend either the upcoming Rally Point, which is a lite version of the full Boot Camp, coming up May 2-5, 2024 or get ready for the next full Boot Camp November 7-10, 2024.

Email me if you are interested in joining me and get ready for one amazing time!


Pastor Bob Oliver, Senior Pastor of New Covenant Church of Philadelphia, talks about how God is using Prayer Stations to help his church go out into the Highways and Byways of Philadelphia to reach the unchurched! They have trained 300 people to take Prayer Stations to the streets of their city!

Learn more about Prayer Stations and how we can help you get a Prayer Station in your community:


YWAM Philadelphia are taking Prayer Stations to the streets of New York City!

Nick & Ron traveled together to three different locations in Pennsylvania between October 5th and 15th.

PHILADELPHIA, PA: October 6th – 10th

On Saturday, October 6th Nick spoke to approximately 65 participants in a Prayer Station Training Day. The vision of Prayer Stations was shared followed by going out to the streets of Philadelphia for application. One Indian church brought their youth group and became so excited about Prayer Stations they ordered a Prayer Station for their church in Philadelphia and a Flag Prayer Station to be shipped to India!

On Sunday, October 7th, Nick spoke to a church in Philadelphia that was already taking a Prayer Station out each Tuesday and having powerful results.

On Monday, October 8th & Tuesday, October 9th, Nick & Ron had meetings with Key pastors in Philadelphia who were influential among many churches. Each pastor was excited to promote the Prayer Station ministry among their fellowships and are opening exciting new doors of opportunity.

ELIZABETHTOWN, PA: October 11th & 12th

Nick & Ron met with dear friends and partners of our ministry, David & Tierney Able, in Elizabethtown, PA. They were a great encouragement to us both and our ministry!

DUBOIS, PA: October 13th 15th

Nick & Ron spoke at the Mission’s Conference at the Smithtown Community Church in Falls Creek, Pa. This church has been a partner in our ministry since the early 90’s. One fellow missionary at the conference is using Prayer Stations to minister to very poor communities in western Pennsylvania as well as in Nepal. We will be sending a Nepalese Prayer Station flag to assist with his Nepal ministry this coming month.

This trip was filled with divine appointments and great encouragement for our ministry. Thank you, Jesus, for all you are doing to help your Body reach out to the marketplace with the good news of the gospel!


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