On October 7th, Ron Setran and I boarded our flight to Baltimore, MD to begin our two week journey through Pennsylvania and Virginia, just one day before Hurricane Milton was to hit Florida. We checked with all the weather forecast information available at the time and saw that the southeastern part of Florida where our ministry and families are located would be out of the path of the storm. After praying with our family and receiving their blessing we embarked on our two week ministry journey. What we did not take into consideration were the tornadoes that were to accompany the hurricane. Hurricane Milton hurled 46 tornadoes at Florida. One of those tornadoes came very close to the Prayer Station house in Jupiter Farms hitting less than 1 mile away and another in Stuart coming as close as one and a half blocks away from the home of Dan & Rebecca Burd, our son-in-law, daughter and two sons. The Lord spared them all, but it was very scary for our families.

After arriving in Baltimore we drove to Harrisburg Pennsylvania to attend a gathering of some 350 pastors from the Southern Baptist Convention. Prayer Stations had a booth at the conference that was strategically located at the door of the main meeting room. We had opportunity to talk with many of the Pastors about the Prayer Station ministry and gave away hundreds of our recently published book “Five Little Words”. I was honored to be asked to close the convention in prayer.

Prayer Station booth at Southern Baptist Conference
Nick & YWAM Philadelphia Director Doug Tunney
Philadelphia Prayer Station team with Nick & Ron
Nick Praying the benediction on the Southern Baptist Conference

Ron and I then drove down to Winchester Virginia To visit our dear colleague Bill Blatz, who had just moved there from Washington State the week before. It was so good to spend quality time with Bill and his family.

Nick & Ron visiting with Bill Blatz

We then spent six days in Philadelphia with our dear friends and colleagues Doug & Deb Tunney, who direct the YWAM work in Philadelphia. Two years before, I challenged a group of pastors and ministry leaders in Philadelphia with Prayer Stations. God spoke to Doug and gave him a vision to see 100 churches in Philadelphia receive and use Prayer Stations. We were able to thank God that now some 73 different churches were using this powerful tool in evangelism in their neighborhoods.

During our time in Philadelphia we:
· Met with strategic influential pastors of the city
· Participated in Prayer Station outreaches in the city
· Visited a key Prayer Station donor for the Philadelphia project
· Preached in two different churches in the city
· Spoke at a YWAM School of Evangelism in an Indian Church.
· Encouraged the YWAM Philadelphia staff

Ron at a Prayer Station in Philadelphia
Nick at a Prayer Station in Philadelphia
Nick & Ron praying for a young man in front of City Hall in Philadelphia
Nick with Philadelphia Pastor Nathaniel Holder & Doug Tunney
Ron preaching at an African American Baptist church in Philadelphia
Nick & Doug meeting with key Philadelphia pastors & ministry leaders

On Tuesday, October 15th Doug, Ron and I met with a Christian Company in Southeastern Pennsylvania that has invested in helping us provide Prayer Stations to the churches of Philadelphia to give them a report on how the ministry was progressing. They were very happy to receive our report and shared their affirmations on the project. We then visited YWAM Lancaster to deliver a Prayer Station and also meet up with Alex Miller, one of our former students and staff from YWAM NY who was teaching at the Lancaster Pennsylvania YWAM base.

Nick & Ron meet with Alex Miller at YWAM Lancaster, PA

On Wednesday, October 16th we drove to South Jersey to visit with Tammy, Don & Cookie Adams. Tammy serves on our staff and Don is the father of David Adams, the man who was my assistant director for many years before his untimely passing, and his sister Cookie. We then drove up to Staten Island to visit with my cousins who we had not seen in about 3 years.

Nick & Ron meet with Tammy & Don Adams

On Thursday, October 17th we visited with our friends Bob & Helen Miller who oversee Blue Mountain Retreat in New Ringgold Pennsylvania, where Rozanne and I began one of the first YWAM Discipleship Training Schools in 1975. We also visited our dear friend & first ever supporter, Dee Beurrier, on the eve of her 93rd birthday.

From Friday, October 18th through the 20th, Ron and I were part of the Smithtown Community Church annual Missions Conference. We had opportunity to share with this congregation that has supported our ministry for over 30 years. We stayed with our dear friends Harold & Nancy Hills and their precious daughter Kristin.

We returned home on Monday, October 21st to our family and celebrated with dinner together.
It was a powerful two weeks of ministry and a little exhausting for this 78-year-old but well worth the time and effort!

Nick Savoca and I headed up to Virginia and Pennsylvania for a two week ministry trip. It has only been a few days and we have already had an amazing time. It actually started on the plane, when someone ended up in the seat between Nick and I. His name is Ray and we had an amazing conversation. He shared with me about his having a heart attack and how that has affected his life. He currently goes to church and I was able to share with him the calling God has on his life to be a light to his family and those around him. Please keep Ray in prayer.

Our first stop was Harrisburg Virginia, where we met up with Pastor Holder from St. John Memorial Baptist Church. He is one of the main players for the Southern Baptist Convention, and they were having a large event with over 300 pastors in attendance. As you can see by the images, they had setup a very effective Prayer Station area where the pastors came in and out of the main sessions. We were able to connect with many of the pastors, and some of them actually came to the Prayer Station for prayer as well. Prayer Changes Things. Nick was actually asked to close out the event in prayer. What a privilege and opportunity.

We then met drove to Winchester VA to meet with one of our board members, Bill Blatz. It was great to connect with him again, as well as his family.

From there we drove to YWAM Philadelphia, where we are to spend most of our time. We did Prayer Station ministry right in front of City Hall in downtown Philadelphia. Both Nick and I prayed for quite a few people, some of whom need physical healing, and some that needed a real answer from God.

I will continue to post updates as they happen. Tomorrow I am going to be preaching at St. John Memorial Baptist Church, and hopefully in the next couple of days we will be meeting up with Alex Miller, one of the longtime YWAM Staff we had up in New York.

This past Sunday I was honored to speak at Pastor Nathaniel Holder's church, St. John Memorial Baptist Church in Philadelphia, PA. Pastor Holder has become a dear friend and a strong evangelist for the Prayer Station ministry. Pastor Holder and his church are actively reaching people for Jesus throughout Philadelphia using their Prayer Stations and the five little words that have a dynamic impact on lives... May I Pray For You?

You can watch the sermon by clicking HERE.

You can also read my Covid Testimony that was a part of a Best Selling Book called "Overcoming Adversity" by clicking HERE.

Check out this amazing testimony from Scott and Dalia Coulson - part of the Street Level Ministry in the Twin Cities - Minnesota area:

We just got back from Shangri-la new age festival outreach and what an outreach. The team gave out over 1000 Gospel packets to folks driving into the festival and tons of amazing conversations which are way to many to post here.

Also, we partnered with Simply Church in Geneva Minnesota that made food for the festival team to give out and also helped us pack 2000 Gospel packets for our Saturate team to go house to house in Geneva, Ellendale which we did all the houses in these towns and also did Austin and Albert Lea and still have a bunch more to do in these towns and also went Farm to Farm giving out the packets. Each packet had a church invite so Simply Church can follow up with them. We feel it is so important to partner with local church when at all possible.

Thank you so much for praying for all these outreaches and in fact Dalia is sharing Jesus now at the Minnesota State Fair with Crossroads Chapel.

Again thank you for your prayers and support that make all this possible. Love Scott & Dali

Learn more about Street Level Ministries: www.streetlevelministry.org

The Prayer Station ministry will be represented at the upcoming Foundation For Freedom Conference, Friday and Saturday, September 6th & 7th, at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando Florida.

Come join us as we connect with people in prayer and for Jesus!

foundationforfreedom.us for more info


If you are a pastor in the Asheville NC area, or have connections, we would love to have you join with us at the upcoming Prayer & Mobilization Summit on Thursday, Sept 12th at 10am.

Greater Works Church of God in Christ
25 Forsythe Street
Asheville, NC 28801

The Prayer Station ministry will be there and we hope to see you there!

We just received a testimony from someone that visited a Prayer Station in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Joe S writes us...

"I went to the Farmers Market in Ft. Pierce, Florida. The first thing I saw was a Prayer Station.

What a gift. A couple offered me their prayers. Job well done. Godspeed your mission."

Connect with us today and get a Prayer Station in your community.

Prayer Stations is partnering with Women World Leaders (WWL) to provide prayer opportunities at their conferences, seminars and outreach events. Anita Setran, Executive Director for Prayer Stations, has been on the leadership team for Women World Leaders, and been a strong prayer warrior for their team and the women connected to WWL.

WWL decided to have custom branded Prayer Station Flags made for their events, and you can see how beautiful they turned out. We are excited to hear how this ministry will be continuing to change lives through the power of prayer! Prayer Changes Things!

If you would like to get your own custom Prayer Station Flag, please use the online form and connect with us!

#prayerstations #prayerchangesthings #prayer #prayerevangelism #womenworldleaders #WWL

This past weekend we held the largest Band of Brothers event in the country. Over 400 teens and men join with us at Masterpiece Gardens Center in Lake Wales, Florida from Thursday afternoon thru Saturday evening.

We had lots of activities during the free times, including archery, flag football, soccer, dominoes, basketball, volleyball, cornhole, fishing, air boats, full gun range, pig hunt, seaplane rides, skeet & trap shooting, nightly BBQ competition and more!

The focus is the worship time, listening to the live speakers, and watching teaching videos with John Eldredge, Auther of Wild at Heart. Many lives were changed during this last Boot Camp, with over 100 men coming forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

We even created a special camouflage PRAYER STATION flag where the men could go to receive prayer.

I encourage you to attend either the upcoming Rally Point, which is a lite version of the full Boot Camp, coming up May 2-5, 2024 or get ready for the next full Boot Camp November 7-10, 2024.

Email me if you are interested in joining me and get ready for one amazing time!



The Prayer Station ministry had an amazing time ministering to the people at the annual City of Philadelphia Senior Fun Day at the Horticulture Center in Fairmont Park.

Get a Prayer Station in your community today!


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