Great praise report for JG 2023
From July 15th-23rd, we hit the streets of Gettysburg, Washington DC, Bronx NY, and Philadelphia Pa.
We gave out well over 500 Bibles, worked with 26 different churches, represented 10 countries , 80 students and 70 staff... a true force for Christ.
We used PRAYER STATIONS all the time!
71 people from other religions gave their lives to Jesus!! The teams recorded deaf ears opened, a person in a wheelchair walking, demons cast out. 19 healings recorded.
With the power and love of Jesus working through us, 263 people who had fallen away from Christ came back to Him.
1,873 people in 8 days of outreach came to Christ for the first time 🙏🙌🙌🙌.
I say to you likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine who need no repentence. - Luke 15:7
Well over 10,000 heard the gospel from our 5 teams.
2,136 repented of their sins thru coming back to Jesus or coming for the first time, and for all of them, the veil over their eyes was lifted.
So brothers and sisters, let us rejoice together in what God is doing.
Psalms 145:4 says, "One generation shall praise your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts, so please let people know what God has done."